Wednesday 6 October 2021


Along my regular walk route there is a small estate of townhouses. Sometimes, I take a slight detour to have a wander around the estate, to admire the townhouses.

I must say I felt very self conscious. I felt eyes on me every step of the way, even though the house seemed empty. (Maybe they were the eyes of a camera.) As such, I dare not aim my camera at any of the nice houses or lovely plants that I saw. I was afraid of what the residents might think. A stranger in the neighbourhood taking pictures. That is bound to not go down well.

Some people are more sensitive than others, and I have no intention of arousing unpleasant feelings. However, at the back of this stretch of townhouses, where the walk route runs through, that is a different thing.

Here are some shots of the back of the townhouses.

This is the corner unit at the beginning of the stretch of townhouses.

This is the corner unit at the other end. It has a new coat of paint. It is possible that it has had a change of owner recently, or maybe the owner decided to spruce up the place.
I got to know one of the regular walkers who lives on the other side of this little estate. We got chatting and out of curiosity, I asked him what the prices for one of these units is like. He estimated that the corner units would be a bit higher at 1.9 million dollars whereas the ones in between could fetch around 1.5 million dollars.

Honestly, even if I have the money, I wouldn't want to live in a place like this. Can you imagine how many times you have to go up and down the house every day? But then again, I don't have that kind of money and I can't begin to imagine what people with that sort of people are thinking.

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